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Paediatric Osteopathy

Osteopathy in children also follows the principle of maximum mobility in every cell. Due to the fact, that restrictions in the tissues can affect the process of growth, treatments might even seem more reasonable then in adults.


Blockades in the newborn can already develop intrauterine due to the baby’s mal positioning in the womb, due do dysfunctions in the mothers pelvis or through the birthing process. It is therefore always a good idea to get a newborn to an osteopathic check-up.


So when is the best time to get a check up?

I always like to say, that the perfect time for this check-up is, when the baby and mother have settled to a comfortable daily routine, which would make it possible to come to see me without getting totally stressed out by leaving the house. This, for some could be as soon as the day after giving birth or for others a few weeks after. All in all: the sooner the better, but it is never too late to bring in a child for treatment. Even toddlers or teenagers can still be supported in their development in order to prevent malfunctions manifesting into chronic lesion patterns.


And to all mums: Please do not forget about yourself! The healing process after a pregnancy and birth is so important! I recommend booking yourself in together with your baby so we can evaluate possible issues in the process of your recovery.

Baby Face.jpg

From newborns to teenagers:

•  Difficulties after birth (cesarian, forceps/plunger delivery)
•  Crying babies
•  Skull deformation
•  Torticollis
•  Tummy ache / Flatulences / abdominal colics 
•  Feeding and swallowing difficulties
•  Reflux
•  Hip development problems
•  Squint 
•  Hydromyrinx / Chronic otitis media 
•  Delayed motoric developement
•  Sleeping disorders
•  Consequences of infections/vaccinations/medication
•  Skoliosis, Club foot, Pigeon toes
•  Accompanying orthodontic treatments (or at best preventing the need of them)
•  Lack of concentration
•  Hyperactivity / ADHD


You can find me at:


DConcept Dental Clinic

Rua Brigadeiro Costa Franco Edif. Orquidea Mar, Lt 5 - Loja D
8600-533 Lagos Portugal

​ACSS ​Cédula N.º:C-00100060
 Pediatric Osteopath
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Tel: 00351 933 717 303 (portuguese mobile number)

Whatsapp: 00351 933 717 303


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