Christmas may be one of the hardest months to stick with a clean diet with all the culinary temptations awaiting us. So, while the healthiest option would be to stay away from all of the cookies, festive feasts and egg-noggs, let´s face it: it is so nice to celebrate with friends and family and overindulge a little here and there.
Quite obviously knowing your body well helps you to know where your limits are and there is still a big difference between induldging a little and completely throw all good habits overboard :-).
Also whenever you did go a little past your body´s limits you can take care of it with some little helpers.
So that is why in December I have 2 tips on supplements:
The first one is PACK C, a fibre-loaded powder to dissolve in 300ml of water and help you prevent slowing down of digestion.
And tip number 2 is d-gest a complex of natural digestive enzymes and herbs to support your liver and gallblader function whenever heavy meals and alcohol put pressure on our entire digestive and detoxification system.
Wishing you a pleasant Christmas and lovely meals without regrets!
Merry Christmas!!!
Like always it is important to note that supplements can never substitute a healthy diet and lifestyle nor substitute a medical exam. This information is for health education only.